Tim BraithwaiteGioseffo Zarlino on Those who Improvise Counterpoint with ‘No Regard for the Other Voices’ (1558)‘What Must be Observed when Improvising a Third Part on Two Given Parts: Skilled contrapuntists occasionally want to improvise a third...
Tim BraithwaiteBottrigari on both Ensemble Ornamentation and ‘Odious’ (‘odiosa’) Improvised Counterpoint (1594)‘[Alemanno Benelli:] But because of the presumptuous audacity of performers who try to invent passaggi, I will not say sometimes, but...
Tim BraithwaiteRoger Freitas on Modern Representations of Historical Singing:‘To many in the singing profession, in fact, an investigation of past approaches seems irrelevant. Even a casual survey of recent...
Tim BraithwaiteAdhémar de Chabannes on French and Italian Articulation (11th c.)‘All the singers of France have learnt the Italian style that they now call ‘French’, but cannot express perfectly the tremulous...