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Reimagining Historical Voices

Tim Braithwaite
Pierre-Louis Pollio on the ‘Charivary’ of Improvising (‘Chant sur le Livre’) in Many Parts (1771)
‘As for singing on the book in many parts made impromptu, my sentiment is that it is almost impossible to do well… I maintain that it is...

Tim Braithwaite
Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Definition of Chant sur le Livre:
‘Singing on the book. A Plainchant or counterpoint in four parts, which the musicians compose and sing impromptu on a single [part]:...

Tim Braithwaite
Reminiscences of a Cacophonous (!) way of ‘Singing on the Book’ in Early 19th-Century France
‘I know of no musician today who has any idea what it means to sing on the book. It was an improvised and simultaneous melody [chant]...

Tim Braithwaite
Summary of the Rules of Singing on the Book: Those of “strict counterpoint” in two voices
The summary below is from Jean-Paul Montagnier, “Le Chant Sur Le Livre Au XVIIIe Siècle: Les Traités de Louis-Joseph Marchand et Henry...

Tim Braithwaite
Improvising on a Plainchant (Chanter sur le Livre) as described in Early Nineteenth-Century France
‘... France, where musical taste has always been somewhat backwards, has never abandoned the mania for improvising on plainchant. The...

Tim Braithwaite
A Letter From Saint-Évremond to a Monsieur Dery on ‘a mild operation’ to Retain his Youthful Voice
‘I would say to you, in an entirely insinuated way, that you must make yourself sweetened [adoucir] by a mild [legere] operation, which...

Tim Braithwaite
Joseph de Lalande's Comparison of French and Italian Register Usage
‘I have said that the tenor of the Italians was the haute-contre of the French; at least the tenors hardly differ if...

Tim Braithwaite
Charles Burney's Comments on a 'Bellowing' 'Coutertenor' in Paris on Thursday, 14th of June (1770)
‘At five o’clock I went to the Concert Spirituel, the only public amusement allowed on these great festivals. It is a grand concert...

Tim Braithwaite
Joseph de Lalande on Italian Singing
The repugnance which the Italians have for strong and loud voices, such as our own baritones [basse-tailles] and even haute-contres...

Tim Braithwaite
Jean-Antoine Berard on Larynx Height (1741)
‘Observation teaches us that the Larynx rises in its entirety with the high pitches, and that it descends with the low pitches...
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